A Little Ode to Writing

I am not sure if I am going to upload this post but I just wanted to try and write before thinking about it. Just let if flow. Which is not too difficult for me because I have done a typewriting course. Ha. (yes, my parents forced me to do it but it was very practical)
I wonder... What it is about writing? Trying do write down what you're thinking in these little letters that only mean something if you arrange them in certain ways. It is something quite magical that you can do so much with so little. (Something like this probably already exists on tumblr.)
I am quite nerdy, I just enjoy reading so much but I think in these time it is not something to be ashamed of. Nerds and Geeks are somehow ... "cool". Not the real ones obviously. But they usually don't care about something like that anyway. Most at least. I think. (Me included.)
I started this blog because I wanted to share some of my stories. To get feedback. To feel that I am putting myself out there for others to judge. It seems like something quite intimidating but right now that I don't have any readers it's as if I am just writing for myself in my little balloon notebook. At the beginning I think it's the best way of doing it. Because you are writing for yourself. No one else. The best stories don't win in competitions. Good stories can't be compared. You can't write exactly for somebody. (Or at least I can't. And the dedication in the beginning doesn't count.)
Writing ... I don't really have the words to describe it which is ironic because that's all you have when you write. Words. Letters. Symbols. I suppose it is some way of expressing yourself. What you think. What you believe in. What you love. What you hate. You can steal words, phrases, even sentences but then it's not writing anymore. That's just copy and paste. (However, I am a fan of quotes but that is a different story.)
So this didn't turn out too badly, so I am going to publish it and keep it as long as I am happy with it. (Not that I am really happy with it but maybe as long as I think it's ... acceptable.)

Au revoir, little biscuits (*completely lost in book*)


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