Why being a walk-over is not an option

To begin with, I would like to say that I'm not an overly self-confident person. I'm not extremely shy but I don't like being the centre of attention. I prefer the second row.
If you're also like this you might relate. I don't believe this is something that needs to be overcome. If everybody were like this we would have an even worse problem than we already have. We're not in an American High School Movie where the nerd slowly becomes the pretty popular girl with a boyfriend. No, thank you.
However. Being a person like this makes it easier for people to use you. That doesn't make them evil people (aka the nasty cheerleader referring to that High School Movie analogy). They might be doing it subconsciously. But even so, do you want to be at their mercy? (mercy being quite a strong word here of course). Not knowing if your statements and actions will be used by someone else? Working hard for something, not receiving anything in return and instead someone else reaping rewards? I suppose not.
So if you're someone who wouldn't consider themselves as a particularly strong, outspoken and confident person, perhaps try being aware of people like this. I have made the experience and I was very tempted to make a big scene and cut them out of my life (feel free to do so) but in the end, I didn't and instead get my own back sometimes. (stressing sometimes here)

Au revoir, little biscuits *rubbing the palms of my hands together, conceiving a plan*


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