Summer '15 Part I
Inofficial day one
It is 8.30 in the morning and I have no Internet. (yes, I obviously wrote this yesterday and not now) Not something I am used to but when I stay at old people's houses (no offense her or would you prefer elderly?) you can't expect anything else. Plus, it's nice having a break from it all. This means I am on my holidays and I am not constantly available, thus everybody trying to reach me has to come to terms with that. This sounds more dramatic than I had anticipated. I don't even have a job where people need to reach me (just to be clear I don't have a job at all apart form the occasional baby sitting).Anyway, I'm here in Cornwall staying with my great aunt, not to mention my parents who are a wee bit annoying which wants me to press a mute button but sadly (or rather luckily) technology hasn't advanced as far.
Coming out of the plane, breathing in the sweet fresh air (hallelujah), we were greeted by more sunshine than we had expected. The pilot had told us that it was drizzly and dull but he was proven wrong.
The day had started relaxed and slowly turned into a lot of hectic running from one room to another and nagging and grumbling and yelling but once we arrived at the airport on time everybody was sugar and spice again. Until ... there was a strange noise coming from our rental car. At first we didn't think of it as serious but then it got louder and it sounded as if something caught up in the wheel. My imagination ran wild and I saw a bloody fox squeezed in the rim, clinging to the last bit of life still left in it with its intestines and other organs leaving a trail like Hansel and Gretel.
Turns out a little plastic thingy broke partly off the front and was dragging on the road. This was not as dramatic and messy as my brain was trying to tell me but still, it was very annoying. We stopped at the nice and rustic café "The Hog & The Hedge" for a bite to eat and asked at the petrol station for tape to stick the, in lack of a better word again, thingy to the car again but they had no tape whatsoever.
We had to drive a bit further to next petrol station, probably leaving a long scratch in the tar.
But I can assure you we arrived safely around half ten at my aunt's lovely house.
Au revoir, little biscuits *wind blowing*
Official day one (I suppose)
After breakfast we visited a Cornish tin mine near St. Ives. To be honest, this was nothing new to me because I had already been there in October but it was nice to go back there and climb a wee bit and throw rocks down the shaft (it took about four seconds for them to fall down if I counted correctly which makes it about 78.5 meters deep).
Day two
I just realized this is turning into some sort of diary to remember what I did on holidays. Quite practical actually. Should have thought of it sooner.
Anyway, we didn't do that much on Friday because of the rain (surprise!) but as I had already mentioned I enjoy this weather very much. Call me whatever you like, I love it.
We visited my great aunt's daughter and her husband and children. It was about a twenty minutes drive to their new house which was still pretty much a building site. But it was absolutely wonderful. They have a huge estate with a lake (and a boat!), a swimming pool (not that they can use that often once they've fished out all the newts and frogs) and acres and acres of land (I don't if it was really that much but it sounds better than "square meters").
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